Battle report

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Hello all,
Simple Progress update. Comission work.
The client wanted him to be very blue, I tried to add some silver to edges via dry brushing to show wear, but he wanted it to be very clean so I had to limit my highlights and the gold doesn't feel right to me been experementing with diffrent gold techniques.

Did you know that the pigment in sharpie gold pens is highly toxic even if you get it on your skin. Just an fyi.

Wash Blue
Drybrush boltgun
W: Blue
W: Blue
Highlight Space wolf grey
HL Enchanted blue
HL thinned Skull white
Superhighlight Just a dab of Skull white
Verythin wash of Enchanted blue over everything to make the blue come out more


Skorched brown
Highlight vermin brown
drybrush Bleached bone
Black wash

Chainmail is Just chainmail with black wash
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