New List
Warboss w/ PK + K-Skorcha on Bike
10 Biker Nobz w/[Painboy]7 Big Choppa 2 Powerklaw
12 Boyz in a trukk 118
12 Boyz in a trukk 118
20 Ard Boyz in a Battlewagon/deffrolla 350
23 boyz with nob 2x big shootas 158
23 boyz with nob 2x big shootas 158
Deff Dread 4x ccw 105
looted wagon w boomgun 125
Horus Heresy 2e Review: Blackshields Oath: The Taint of the Xenos
Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️3/5 stars. The rules are reasonable, but not
as outstanding as they might otherwise could be. The combinations with
other oath...
5 hours ago