HQ [1]
Warboss Warbike, Power Klaw, TwlDakka, Atk Sqg, 140
Troop [30]
Boyz Choppa + slugga, [Ork]
Boyz Nob Power Klaw, Slugga, Bosspole 220
Troop [30]
Boyz Choppa + slugga, [Ork]
Boyz Nob Power Klaw, Slugga, Bosspole 220
Troop [20]
Boyz Choppa + slugga, [Ork]
Boyz Nob Power Klaw, Slugga, Bosspole 170
Hvy Support
Battlewagon 3x Big Shoota, Armour Plating, Red Paint Job 135
Hvy Support
Looted Wagon Boom Gun, Hard Case 115
Since I have only played my army once any C AND C is Welcome.
Was thinking of Taking A nob Biker squad with a few pk in it but still thinking.
Horus Heresy 2e Review: Blackshields Oath: The Taint of the Xenos
Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️3/5 stars. The rules are reasonable, but not
as outstanding as they might otherwise could be. The combinations with
other oath...
8 hours ago